
Psalm 46's Triumphant Conclusion


God is our Fortress, more powerful than any power on earth, and nothing can snatch us from Him.

I need “faith markers” to keep my heart pressing into the path He’s marked out for me. A faith marker works spiritually, much like a trail marker works to help a hiker stay on the right path. When I’m tempted to wander through a wilderness of fear, deception, despair and self-centered thinking, faith markers direct me back on-track. 

Psalm 46 is a faith marker that keeps my heart:

Receptive to Truth

I love how this psalm repeats a significant refrain (vv. 7, 11) to grab a heart wandering toward fear and yank it back to the reality of this truth: God is with us, and He’s our MIGHTY FORTRESS! It’s almost as though I can hear the psalmist saying, “Hey, did you forget who’s protecting you?? What are you afraid of?”  

I also like thinking about the fact that Martin Luther wrote one of my favorite hymns as a paraphrase of this psalm. Every time I sing “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” I relive the truths I’ve learned from using Psalm 46 as a faith marker.

Rallied to Fresh Worship

There is one statement in this psalm that gets me charged up! It’s when the psalmist makes the point (v. 6) that nations may get in a political tizzy, world dictators may rage or be overthrown . . . but no matter how much nations flex their muscles, none can withstand a directed whisper from God’s lips. He merely utters his voice and the earth will melt. Wow. When I wrap my mind and heart around this truth, it solidifies me with courage and rallies me to true worship of this awesome God I love.

Then in vv. 8-9, the psalmist invites us to check out God’s mighty works, perhaps so we can have a few “aha” moments as we sit in wonder and adoration of One who wields such power, but still tenderly cares for our souls.

Radically Committed to His Purpose

God stills the clamor in verse ten (much like when Jesus rebuked the raging storm in Luke 8) and reiterates His theme for redemption: “I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” This triumphant conclusion reminds me of His purpose for my life and calls me back to a radical commitment to filling the earth with His glory.

My heart needs moment-by-moment protection to stay on track. That’s why I’m so grateful for the protection of Scripture. God’s Word is a lamp, a sign-post, and for me it serves as a trustworthy trail marker. I’d love to hear some of your favorite passages that serve to protect you from wandering off track!

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