Praying for Your Spouse: Love

 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love—I Corinthians 13:13.

I’ve often wondered why the Holy Spirit directed Paul to highlight love over these two other stellar character traits. I have a feeling it has something to do with the high cost of the love that Christ showed when he redeemed us. At times, marital love comes at a high cost as well. The love that drew us together can be the same love that tests all of our limits and sometimes breaks our heart.

When we choose to have a grace-filled marriage, it helps to have a clear definition of the type of love that covers every scenario and enables us to go the distance in spite of all that marriage can throw at us. Here you go! You can take this definition to the bank because it’s the kind of love that God has for his bride, the church.

“Love is the commitment of my will to your needs and best interests regardless of the cost.” - Dr. Tim Kimmel

What’s in our spouses’ best interest may be a grace-filled reminder or reprimand. What they need may be forgiveness or a kick in the pants. Love compels us to love them the way God loves us and that’s with grace.


Thank you that your love is limitless and powerful. When my heart is hurting or disappointed, fill me with your love and grace. Help me to love my spouse the way you love me, Amen.

Written by Darcy Kimmel

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