Pray for the Healing of Others

Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. James 5:14

When one of us is sick, the first thing we normally do is call a doctor or physician. And as an afterthought, we may ask a few people to pray for us.

God has blessed us with modern medicine, and many times he uses these earthly methods rather than miraculous healing. At the same time, why is God sometimes our last call instead of our first?

During a time of illness, one of the most important things we can do is pray. This is true when we are sick, and it’s also true when others are sick. This is where intercessory prayer can be used by God in an extraordinary way.

When you pray for someone who is sick, you are telling the Great Physician that you believe he can heal them. And while we don’t know exactly how he’ll answer, we can have faith in knowing that he is in control.

Take some time today to pray for someone you know who is experiencing health issues, physical difficulties or even a spiritual battle. And have faith that God, in his sovereignty, will provide the best answer.


Dear Father, Please bring people to mind who are struggling with their health. And help me to pray for them. I trust you and have faith that you are able to work in miraculous ways. But I also know your ultimate purpose and plan will prevail. In your Son Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen. 

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