Pray for Head Honchos

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." 1 Timothy 2:1-2, NIV

The whole world seems to be at a pivotal time. Every nation needs prayer. The best way to pray for the world is to pray for its leaders—not only the current leaders, but the future leaders—spiritual leaders, business leaders, media leaders and most certainly political leaders. We need godly head honchos! We need strong Christians in top-dog positions!

Let's pray for God's hand to raise up divinely appointed leaders for every sphere of life. Let's pray now for the next season and the next generation of leaders.

Chess pieces are moving into place now. Who does the Lord want in power around the world? In our own country? State? Territory? Province? Cities? Villages? Let's pray and seek Him on these very things!

How should we pray? The Bible gives us many ways to pray; here are a few:

Pray for the leaders called to God's purposes for such a time as this: We may or may not know their names, but the Lord does. Pray that these people would be strengthened in their inner man and that they would be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Pray that no weapon formed against them would prosper and every tongue that rises in judgment against them would be put down. Pray for the anointing of the Lord to be strong on and in them.

Pray for God's divine protection, favor and witty ideas: The Lord knows how to raise up one and put another down. Promotion doesn't come from the east or the west; promotion comes from the Lord. Ask the Lord for divine angelic protection and pray that the Lord speaks to leaders in the midnight hour to give them divine strategies, favor and witty ideas for their role as a leader.

Pray for God's wisdom to flow in and through them: Ask God to give leaders the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge they need. Pray that their minds and hearts are clear and uncluttered and able to receive God's wisdom, direction and guidance. Pray that they lead and govern in such a way that their followers are able to lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and holiness. Pray for them to have courage and boldness and ask the Lord to give them wisdom that their adversaries cannot refute.

If the Lord puts particular people on your heart, then pray for them and follow the Holy Spirit's unction. Let's get ahead of the prayer curve in this season and pray for those in authority.

Say It: "Father, I lift up these leaders: _________________ (pray by name for those you do know). I pray that You continue to raise them up for Your purposes. I ask You to anoint them in every way, in every relationship, in every environment. I pray that You protect them and put down their adversaries. I ask You to surround them with favor like a shield and flow in and through them with Your divine wisdom. I thank You for raising up godly leaders so that we can live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and holiness. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

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