Pray for a Child’s Future

 “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat...” (Matthew 25:35).


At 12, Rumdol’s dream is to become a doctor—but dreaming must wait for now. The Cambodian girl’s parents died when she was 5, and her older sister moved to the city to work, leaving Rumdol to “mother” her two nephews. Rumdol digs in the fields for crabs or frogs to eat each day, and sometimes she borrows a little rice from neighbors. The food is barely enough to sustain the three children. Cooking and other chores force her to live an isolated existence.

Spend time in the photo's moment and steep in the details. What is touching? What is disturbing? What does the photo say about those who live in poverty?

Look Deeper

Rumdol is undernourished, and she may even be stunted. In Cambodia and other developing countries, malnutrition stunts the development of one child in three—and children who are stunted seldom recover that growth.

Notice the indoor fire emitting smoke into the air the children breathe. The bare, dirty kitchen speaks to the absence of a caring adult. Thankfully, Rumdol has flip-flops—but shoes would be better to fully protect her from the parasites that live in dirt floors.


God has placed the dream of becoming a doctor in Rumdol’s heart. She wants to help others be healthy. Yet right now lack of food means she isn’t healthy herself. Pray that hungry children like Rumdol will have the basics they need to thrive as they reach for their dreams.

Photo credit: Anthony Luk /World Vision

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