Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered

So, how do you know where to stop? When does a pig become a hog?

The question behind these questions is simple . . .

            How much is enough?

Appetites urge us to MORE. More sweets. More carbs. More money. More fun. More friends. More followers. More sales. More clothes. More square feet. More vacation. More family time. More everything. Universally, we act like more is always better.

But it’s not.

There’s something special about enough. Put your K-cup in the Keurig, put your cup in place, push the button and watch. It’s perfect when just the right amount of jittery joe fills your cup. Too little and you feel cheated. Too much and it’s wasted and messy. Just enough. That’s the ticket . . . just enough.

The starting point is to define how much is enough for you and yours. We can always get by with less, but aside from that, what is enough?

Money – How much money do you need to support your church, provide for your family and live comfortably? What do you need to save each month to cover kid’s college, weddings, and your old age? That’s your base line. That’s enough.

Family – How much time will you spend with your wife? Your kids? Will your family have one, two or three meals together each day? Will you take your wife on a date every week? For a night away once a month or quarter? Talk it through and set your baseline. Where’s your standard for enough?

Friends – Do you have any? Do you have too many? Guys tend to have buddies but not friends. Start with one . . . just one. Who is (or might become) the one friend who knows and loves you. That’s enough.

Hobbies – Do you have any? Is your life only about work, family and church? Or do you have so many, it’s hard to squeeze in work, family and church? Pick one and go with it. Do it well. Enjoy yourself. That’s enough.

Health – Do you have an eating plan? Have you decided what foods (and what portions) you’re going to eat? Have you set a base-line, minimum exercise regimen and committed to do it religiously? That’s enough. You don’t have to go CrossFit, marathon, or ironman.

Time – Do you value your time? Do you steward it? Consider your time a gift from God and allocate it to things important, not just urgent. Allocate time in advance . . . to God (includes personal time with Him in prayer and Bible study as well as church), wife, kids, health, work, community and a hobby. Save time to sleep. You have 24 hours to spend. That’s enough.

The antidote to “more” is “enough.” “Having it allmeans having enough of all the best stuff. Never define “enough” and you’ll screw up your life mindlessly chasing “more.” You might end up exhausted, empty and without.

Prayer – Father, You are enough. As long as we have You, we have enough. But our flesh and this world beckons us to more . . . of everything. Please give us a sense for what is enough in all the dimensions of life. And give us the courage to put the excess You’ve given to work for others and for your Kingdom. In your beautiful name. Amen.

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