Navigating Change

The key to surviving and thriving in an atmosphere of change is perspective. We can view change in one of several ways, but the view we choose will determine whether change becomes an obstacle or an opportunity for us.

One response to change is to fight it. Sears, one of the leading retailers in America, resisted marketing pressure to change their way of doing business for many years. In 1970, Sears stock was $62 a share, but at one point in the 1980’s, it traded for as low as $14. As retail sales dropped, Sears executives began examining possible causes for the decline. This operational “gut check” revealed layer upon layer of unnecessary bureaucracy and a growing insensitivity to the marketplace. You see, we can resist change around us, but that resistance often draws a costly penalty. We fall behind those who are more willing to be flexible, and instead of leading, we find ourselves in the position of playing catch up.

No one should be more secure in the face of change than the Christian. Why? Because our God is the one who remains unchangeable. He is our constant, our North Star, our anchor...and His character, His love and His precepts will never vary one iota. Isn’t that a comfort? With Him in control of our lives, change is not an’s an opportunity.


For I, the Lord, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed (Malachi 3:6).


Exodus 6-7; Romans 2

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