Message of Encouragement for Prodigal Fathers

“He will turn hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6).

It doesn’t matter where you are, how far off course or off purpose you have been as a father. If you are willing to change direction, it will be a tremendous step forward in fulfilling God’s calling on your life. Taking a first step toward godly fatherhood is to answer the highest calling and purpose you can have as a man. It also can provide you the deepest joy and satisfaction in glorifying God. It may not be easy but it is worth everything it takes.

In all truth, guilt about the past may prompt you to take a new look at your fatherhood but it won't sustain you through the tough territory required to mend and grow your relationships with your children. Only love can do this. Only love can sustain it.

The source of the sustaining love is the One who has loved you and your family through all the days before today and all the days yet to come–Jesus. He is that desires to take whatever you offer in surrender to His care and wisdom and guide you into becoming the father He desires you to be and multiple it in the lives of your children.

Pause and Reflect: Take a few minutes to look into your heart. Ask God to help you see the true nature of your motives for becoming a more godly father?

One way to get clear about your motives for wanting to becoming a better father is to answer the following five times;

“I desire to be a better father to my children so that…

Note: If you are not particularly proud of your answers, it's okay. A few minutes of brutal honesty will pay big dividends in getting you on the right path for the right reasons. Before talking to anyone else, a good next step will be to confess your secret to God, ask for His forgiveness, then ask Him to guide you on your journey. If your answers are ones that you think would make Jesus smile, then thank God and ask Him to continue to guide you in making His love real to your children.

Written by Phil Hodges

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