Make God Known

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

Helping me push our empty grocery cart into the outdoor cart corral, youngest daughter Melanie said, “We should always put our cart away, Mom. Then people will know that we love Jesus.”

She was seven at the time. Not sure what prompted cart etiquette as a godly characteristic in her mind, but it was pure joy to see her understand at such a young age that we can make God known by what we do. Our actions can be light in a darkening society, shining and pointing people to His greatness. Here are examples from Scripture.

Give generously. God becomes greater and we become less when we’re generous with our money and resources. In 1 Corinthians 8 and 9, the two most thorough chapters in the New Testament about Church giving, Paul urged the people of Corinth to give generously. Their service would not only provide for needy people, it would make God known. Others will praise Him for their obedience (9:12-13).

Live in unity. God becomes greater and we become less when we live in harmony as the family of God. That was Jesus’ prayer for us. He asked the Father to make His children one, as He was one with the Father. Why? To make God known! Jesus said, “Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me” (John 17:23). If our love and unity make Christ known, what message is being sent when we snub, hold grudges, gossip, and refuse to sit at the table with one another?

Live about reproach. God becomes greater and we become less when we live such exemplary lives that even people who want to accuse us of wrongdoing, come up empty. Instead of digging up dirt, they discover good deeds, which prompt them to give glory to God (1 Peter 2:12).

From putting away our grocery carts to giving away groceries, from extending grace to going the extra mile to do good, our actions speak volumes about what or Who matters most in our lives. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

HE>I: What are your actions telling others about who or what’s most important to you?

Others are looking to see how we respond to life, how we handle conflict, how we deal with problems, how we keep our commitments-none of which is easy to do. But when done for His glory, they draw the gaze of a darkened world to the holy One whose life and light shine through us. -Nancy Leigh DeMoss
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