Listening to the Father’s Heart - November 10

You have learned an important truth from me that must be shared. I get blamed for evil on the earth many times because I gave my sons and daughters free will. When Adam and Eve doubted my love and sinned against me, the evil one was able to take control of many activities on earth. He has his limits, but he also has legal rights when my sons and daughters violate my word. Unless they come to understand the authority they have over the evil one, and my true nature of love, they will be subject to the evil one's schemes. I am so pleased you have been standing upon my covenants through more prayer times with me and my son. You are the key to seeing those promises realized. Remember what I said a few days ago? "I need a human being to execute my will." I limit much of my activity to the willingness of my sons and daughters to pray my will into existence.

“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”  Mt 16:19 

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