Learning Through Examples

Speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine. Titus 2:1

We were having dinner with some dear friends when I (Teresa) complimented Andrea on her talk that morning at the Bible study. She downplayed what she had done. Bob, her husband, interrupted with, "Now, honey, I think you should accept Teresa's compli­ment." Andrea looked back to me and said, "Thank you, Teresa. That's so nice of you to notice."

Bob then explained he was helping Andrea learn to accept praise. When someone compli­mented Andrea, Bob would lovingly and gently remind her to graciously accept the praise.

Since I oftentimes struggle with receiving compliments, David and I decided to adopt the same strategy. It wasn't long before we began to see just how often I stiff-armed compliments. Soon we found ourselves passing along through example what we had learned from our friends about how to accept praise.

David has helped me in this area (and others) by reminding me of "sound doctrine." I was impacted in this part of my life by David's reading Romans 8:32 to me: "He who did not spare His own Son, ... how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"

God applied this verse to my reluctance to receive praise by softly telling me, "Teresa, since I have given you Jesus, wouldn't I also want to give you a few compliments through those who know you and love you?"

God can teach us through a lot of different avenues, including the examples of others. Our friends taught us something important through their actions toward each other. David also taught me to embrace impor­tant truth from Scripture.

What are you teaching other couples who are watching your marriage?

What avenues of teaching is God using with you and your spouse? What is He trying to teach you today?

God, help my spouse and me to learn from other couples and from other avenues You may choose to use.

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