Lay Down Your Cross

Read: Exodus 35:10-36:38 & Matthew 27:32-66 & Psalm 34:1-10 & Proverbs 9:7-8

As a child, I had certain habits instilled in me. I’ve instilled some of these same habits into my own children. Not all of them are good. At times, I didn’t even realize I was teaching my habits to my children until I’d see them repeated.

As an adult, I’ve realized some of these habits are addictions, and they can be just as destructive as drugs and alcohol. For example, recently God showed me how I give self-criticism and negative thoughts more power over my life than I give to Him. As a result, I was too afraid to leave my comfort zone. I lost focus on the power and presence of God. Instead of allowing God to set me free from self-criticism and fear, I became the guard in my own little tomb of fear.

For me, self-criticism led to bondage. But what about for you? Numerous emotions can keep us from fully accepting the freedom God provides—doubt, rejection, loneliness, shame, confusion, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, lack of fulfillment, lack of self-worth, shame, etc.

In Matthew 27, we see Jesus being crucified for our sins. Jesus died so we could have freedom, healing and restoration through Him. This is good news! Whatever is keeping you in bondage, lay it down and take a step forward, away from it. Psalm 34:8 says, “Give the Lord a chance to show you how good he is. Great blessings belong to those who depend on him!” (Easy-to Read Version!). Take your next step. The best is yet to come!

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