Lavishly Loved

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are (1 John 3:1, NIV).

How much do you love your children? That sounds like a silly question, but really think about it. How much of your time do you spend caring for your children each day? What have you sacrificed so you can spend time with them and be an active part of their lives? How many hours a day do you spend meeting their needs? How often are your thoughts focused on them? How big do you smile on the outside and inside when they show appreciation and affection toward you? Moms spend the majority of their time caring for, spending time with, providing for or thinking about their children. It's just natural. It's the way God made us.

Moms, we are children of God, in Christ. As much as you love your children, God loves you that much and more! The Bible says, "How great is the love the Father has LAVISHED on us." I love that! The verb lavish means to give in great amounts or without limit. God's love for you has no limits! God perfectly cares for you each and every moment of the day. He has sacrificed His Son, Jesus, so He can spend time with you and be an active part of your life. God perfectly meets all of your needs, even the ones you are completely unaware of. He is thinking of you and His great love for you right now. Just like earthly parents, He loves it and it makes all of His sacrifice worthwhile when we take the time to show appreciation and affection toward Him!

As you care for, think about and spend time with your children, remember that your heavenly Father is perfectly doing all of that for you every moment of every day. Enjoy! Rest in His lavish love for you! Let God's great love for you be the source of your love for you children, husband and others. Take the time to tell Him how appreciative you are and how much you love Him in return. It will bring joy to both His heart and yours.

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