Keep Silent

The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent. Exodus 14:14, NASB

Sometimes silence is the best strategy. We replace exhausting striving with energizing silence. Our flesh wants to engage in an emotional debate, but our spirit says wait. The outcome is much better when we pause for the Holy Spirit to calm down our conflicted heart before we confront the issue. Our daily battles are best fought with faith in Jesus at the forefront. The proud and prestigious are no match for God’s power which empowers our quiet and humble prayers.

A person may agitate us, but by God’s grace, we can refrain from a rude reaction and pray for them. We won’t allow another’s bad day to ruin our day. We might even think empathetically, “They are under a lot of pressure, how can I help?” We can choose to see an antagonist as a needy human being with their own unresolved issues. Perhaps our silent response settles their soul into seeking an eternal solution to their angst. God can speak clearly when we are quiet. 

“This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it” (Isaiah 30:15).

Our flesh screams for its way, but faith in the Lord’s faithfulness is foundational to our remaining silent. Our words may delay the work of God’s word. For example, if someone we know is seeking wisdom from their heavenly Father, better to pray with them than to assume we know what they need to do. Instead of prescribing a solution for them based on our own experience, we can refer them to Scripture references relevant to their situation. God speaks through His Word.

Moreover, our silence invites the Lord’s inner strength for our soul. Trusting resolve grows patience. In place of saying something we later regret, we wait on the Spirit to speak into the situation. He may impress humility upon our heart and forgiveness on the heart of one we let down. God can use another caring believer to bring clarity to the confusion or a solution to the problem. Surrender to Christ and invite Him to fight for you. Your silence releases His resources.

“This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, in my silence I look to You to speak and fight for Your will to be done.

Related Readings:1 Samuel 17:47; Psalm 24:8, 35:1; Matthew 26:63; Acts 15:12 


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