It’s a Heart Thing

“For as he thinks within himself, so he is.” (Proverbs 23:7)

The Bible makes it clear that the battle to live godly lives is won or lost first in our hearts - long before we actually make a decision or follow a certain course.

In every area of our lives, we must determine to follow God’s way, whatever the cost. Then when our old sinful nature tries to surface and take control, we have the grace to resist our natural impulses and are given strength through Christ to live lives pleasing to Him.

Open your heart to Him and allow Him to deal with you right where you are in your life. Remember, our lives are not who we are - they are who we are becoming.

Elisabeth Elliot, widow of slain missionary Jim Elliot, wrote, “[Lord] remind us that it is in losing ourselves that we find You.”

If there is an attitude hidden in your heart that is contrary to God’s plan for you and it is hindering your spiritual growth, get rid of it by planting God’s Word there instead.

Confess it to the Lord now.

Daily Scripture Reading: 

Zechariah 9-14

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