
Ephesians 1:4-10

The ancient Greek and Roman world was marked by a culture of abandonment: when a child was born, it was placed at the feet of the new father who then chose whether to accept the child by picking him up or reject him by simply walking away. The father could reject his offspring for any number of reasons: wrong gender, birth defects, or even an incident the father perceived as a bad omen.

Amid this culture of abandonment, the Apostle Paul reminded the Christians in Ephesus that God, because of his great love for us, “predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will” (Ephesians 1.5).

Our most central identity is as a child of God—nothing else defines you more. If you’ve given your life to Christ, you are a son or a daughter of God! It’s as if God picked you out, picked you up, and brought you home.

A powerful practice of quiet time reminds us of our true identity: a child of God.  All other relationships are influenced by this reality, which allows us to freely love and bless others, knowing our true identity is secure in Christ as a child of God.

Take a moment to thank God for making you his child. Reread Ephesians 1.4-10 and meditate on all the blessings God gives his children.


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