How to Survive a Crash

How does one survive the troubles life brings without crumbling to pieces?

  • The devastating divorce of your parents.
  • The unexpected and tragic loss of a loved one.
  • The heartbreaking miscarriage of the baby you’ve yearned for.
  • The marriage you dreamed about, barely hanging on.

Jesus never promised a trouble-free life. The Bible never says all your problems will go away if you give your life to Him. In fact, Jesus himself made it clear that we will have troubles in this world. (John 16:33)

How do you get up after these devastating blows and keep moving forward?

You build your house on Jesus. You make Him the foundation of your life and you begin to see that when storms come, when winds blow, when you are beat down by the troubles of life. He, and He alone, will be The One who sustains you (Matthew 7: 24 - 27)

Because ...

  • With Jesus our troubles don’t defeat us.
  • With Jesus, devastation doesn't ruin us.
  • With Jesus, tragedy does not make us crumble.
  • With Jesus, heartbreak doesn't define us.

Jesus gives us the strength, comfort and peace beyond understanding (Phil 4:7) to make it through any storm that comes our way.

Here are 3 ways to build your life on Jesus this week:

1. Start Your Day With God

If you are not doing this already, start your day 15 - 20 minutes earlier and spend time with Jesus. Read the Bible and pray. During times when thing are falling apart sometimes we are encouraged to read "self-help" books, some which are amazing resources, but don't substitute reading those for reading the Bible. There is no other book that can compare. The Bible is the standard of truth, no other book can claim that authority.

2. Pause During The Day To Ask God

Learn to rest in the chaos throughout the day. When things seem out of control and unmanageable and you feel like you need to work hard to fix things, learn to stop and rest in Him. Even if it seems inconvenient, sit for 5 minutes and pray, then listen and process. You can't do it all. Allow Jesus to do work in you and in your situation. Sometimes the best thing you can do is ask God what you should do.

3. Rely On People God Puts Around You

Seek Godly counsel and/or community. It's not best to navigate through difficult times on your own. Jesus himself had a close community of friends he walked through life with. Release pride, follow his example and allow others to walk beside you and help you out.

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