He Speaks Through You

Do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Matthew 10:19b-20

Success is defined in many ways. But regardless of how we define it, we want a reminder—something to show for that success. In business, it’s framing that first dollar of profit. When fishing, it’s the picture of that trophy catch displayed on the wall. And spiritually, it’s the memory of that first person we are able to lead to Christ.

We can dream about success all day long, but we’ve got to take action in order to achieve it. The entrepreneur can have the most genius business plan in the world. But if no action is taken to work that plan, it’ll never be a success.

The fisherman can have the best boat, the most up-to-date tracking devices, and the most tricked out lures and baits. But if he never casts his line, he’ll never make that trophy catch.

The same is true in our spiritual journey. We have the greatest Spokesperson in the world on our side, ready to speak through us to people who needs to know Christ. But if we never open our mouths to tell our story, we won’t be able to experience the ultimate joy of seeing them step over the line of faith.

Don’t worry that you don’t have the perfect words to say. It doesn’t matter if you can’t quote Scripture verbatim or deliver with a mini-sermon on the spot. You only need to trust that when the opportunity presents itself, God will be true to his promise and use your vocal cords to speak through you.


Dear God, please help me to trust your Word and to not worry about what to say or how to say it. Help me to truly believe that you will speak through me when presented with the opportunity to tell others about you. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen. 

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