He Cannot Disown Us

"Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, He remains faithful to us and will help us, for He cannot disown us who are part of Himself, and He will always carry out His promises to us" (2 Timothy 2:13).

Have you ever run out of faith? I have - in times of great testing and trial, especially in earlier years as a young Christian. But as I have learned more and more about the many attributes of God, I have come to understand why the apostle Paul was so convinced of the faithfulness of God - that He still remains faithful to us and will help us, even when we are our weakest.

The meaning seems clear, though perhaps controversial to some. If we have truly been born again by the Spirit of God, and thus have become "part of Himself," Paul asserts that He cannot disown us. We need not argue or discuss the point of eternal security, for God's Holy Spirit, that great Teacher of spiritual truths, will reveal true meanings to each one of us individually.

We can be more certain of unanimous agreement on the latter part of the verse: "He will always carry out His promises to us." At least we all believe that theoretically, if not experientially.

Have you, for example, laid hold of one of God's promises, and not yet having seen the answer, begun to wonder and even doubt if He is indeed carrying out His promise? It might help each one of us to remind ourselves constantly that God has His own timetable. He need not be bound by ours.

Someone has well said, "God's timing is always perfect." Let us not try to improve on that perfection.

Bible Reading: Romans 3:3,4; Numbers 23:19

TODAY'S ACTION POINT: "Dear Lord, because You are always faithful despite my faithlessness at times, I will depend on You to fulfill your promises."

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