Great Faith

Today’s Reading: Luke 7

 Key Verse: Luke 7:9

When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

We are to be “talmudim,” disciples and students of Jesus. We will learn more from our Teacher, Jesus. In the last verse of chapter 7, we learn that the woman had “faith.” “Great faith” is not just believing for our sins to be forgiven, but a recognition of the absolute authority of Jesus. Authority is communicated by words. In the case of this Roman officer, he gave commands and was obeyed. His authority came from Caesar, the Emperor of Rome. His “great faith” was in recognizing that Jesus’ authority came from Almighty God. When Jesus speaks, it is done. We need to read and listen for His Word. Like the officer, ask Him to “speak the Word.” God’s Word for this new day is powerful. I suggest we read this chapter a second time. Jesus is speaking to us.


Lord Jesus, I’m reading and listening. I’m learning as Your student about “great faith.” I recognize Your authority over me. Please give me the grace to obey You. Amen!


I remember being stopped on a busy Toronto street by a police woman. She raised her hand and I obeyed. Thousands of pounds of metal came to a halt at her gesture. A long line up of cars stopped also. I thought, she does not have the power physically to stop all these cars, but she has the authority. She is backed up by the city, the province, the government of Canada and the Queen. I thought, how much more should I instantly obey Jesus. He’s backed up by all the authority of the universe. He said, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore and make disciples (students) of all the nations” (Matt 28:18b & 19a). I’m confident that this writing is done in obedience to what I believe Jesus has spoken to me.

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