Grateful Praise

Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them. But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, "Salvation comes from the Lord." Jonah 2:8-9

Grateful praise gushes forth from a heart full of God. Similar to a mom who gladly nurses her newborn, we cannot contain our gratitude to our good and gracious God. In spite of our flirtation with worthless idols, the Spirit woos us back with His immeasurable love. Our fervent worship of our King who died for us, causes an emotional lump in our throats and indebted tears to stream down our cheeks. Grateful praise is a river that forever nourishes the soul with deep roots firmly planted into its bank. We can’t keep quiet because of the loud voice of love that cried out on the cross. 

In Jonah’s case his joyful praise was the prelude to his projection out of the fish’s mouth onto dry land. Thus, especially in our darkest hour, we choose to sing of thankful adoration to our Almighty Adonai. Grateful praise cuts into a lonely soul embedding hope. With surgeon-like precision, salvation in Jesus removes our deadly tumor of sin and sets free belief’s life-giving blood. As anxiety knocks at our heart’s door, we engross in praise music to drown out its noise.   

“Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song” (Psalm 95:2).

Our salvation in Jesus is a foray into grateful praise that drives back the enemy. Satan cannot stand songs about salvation in Jesus, because these biblical, emotional and harmonious truths lodged in our mind and heart are not easily forgotten. Not to be taken for granted, we regularly sing of being led by the Lord away from the delusion of sin into the reality of God’s will. Once we were spiritually blind, now the eyes of our soul see Christ full of love, compassion and holiness. Grateful praise garnishes our spirit with the beauty of God’s goodness. Praise Him!

Furthermore, our uplifting moments of worshiping God are His opportunity to rebind our renewed minds of our obligations to Him. When we see Him in all His glory, we envision His path of purity. Pure motives, pure thinking, pure reading, pure watching, pure conversations, pure relationships, pure business dealings and pure joy all flow from sacrifices of thankfulness offered to our heavenly Father. Similar to Jonah, we offer grateful praise to God in the middle of our tough circumstances and watch Him convert our problems into opportunities. Praise Him!

“Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp” (Psalm 147:7).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I lift my heart of grateful praise to You in joyful adoration. Show me Your way, so I may walk in Your love. 

Related Readings: Exodus 15:2; Psalm 42:4, 50:23; Hebrews 13:15; Revelation 7:10

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