Grandma Strategy

More than one email has reached me of late filled with concern about our times. Of particular interest has been an “urgent sense” by David Wilkerson that a disaster is about to befall the world and that wisdom calls for laying aside a month’s worth of food and cash.

We will continue to hear such warnings in the years to come and if each individual “prophecy” does not prove true, the general commentary on our age will. We are indeed a people experiencing upheaval, which we Christians understand will befall every generation in this fallen world, particularly any generation that has drawn to itself the judgment of God.

As to the matter of preparation for crisis, I have long been an advocate of what I call a “Grandma Strategy.” Let me explain.

Our grandparents’ generation, having witnessed the tragic collapse of institutions in wars and depressions, learned to take responsibility for their own affairs in a manner that we should emulate. From hard experience, they learned to live simply, stay out of debt, and keep their passions from ruling them. Knowing the value of pulling together for tough times, they kept close friendships with their neighbors and built goodwill by serving in the community. If your grandparents were like mine, they had a storm cellar or a pantry where they rotated enough food for a month or more. They kept gardens, learned practical skills, and maintained the tools necessary to keep their property in repair. They were also careful to keep copies of their important papers, to have some money on hand at all times, and to always, without fail, keep enough of everything to share with those in need. Perhaps most of all, many of our grandparents loved God and knew from experience that salvation doesn't come from governments and men’s institutions, but from heaven. These simple steps of a “Grandma Strategy” will see us in good stead for the days to come.

So, do not panic, do not despair and do not give up on your cause. But, yes, do prepare and do build the networks that will allow us to make a difference in the troubled times to come.

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