Good Days and Bad Days

To everything there is a season . . . a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
(Ecclesiastes 3:1,4)

Sorrows come into all of our lives. And while none of us enjoy them, they are a reality. You will experience heartache. If you ever choose to love anyone, if you ever choose to extend your friendship to another person, then you will be disappointed. You will be let down. You will be heartbroken. There will be great disappointments for you in life.

You also will lose loved ones. And as you get older, you will lose more loved ones. There might even come a day when you will recognize that you actually have more friends who have gone to heaven than you have on earth, and it probably won’t be long until you join them.

But there also will be times of laughter, times of great joy and celebration. One of the lessons I’ve learned from life is to enjoy the good times. Don’t take them for granted. Savor the moment because you can be sure some bad times will come down the road. But thank God they will first go through Him because He continues to be in control of all circumstances that surround our lives.

God can use suffering. He can use it to deepen you and to teach you compassion. He can use it to make you into a different person. And sometimes God even uses suffering to bring you to your spiritual senses.

If your heart is filled with sorrow right now, if it is filled with heartache, then I want you to know that Jesus Christ can bring you comfort. Cast your cares upon Him, and He will give you strength in your time of need.

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