God's House


God, I want to live in the perspective of eternity. Open my eyes to what is real.


Psalm 122:1-9


How much value do you put on being part of the church?

The pinnacle of greatness in the kingdom of God prior to Jesus' second coming is the glory of Christian community. The church is the New Jerusalem "in which God lives by his Spirit" (Eph. 2:22). Worshiping God is no longer restricted to pilgrimage to a special place (1,2), but it is located in a pilgrim community which is called to take the kingdom of God to the world.

Pilgrimage can reflect a single-minded pursuit of God, which we'd be wise to emulate. The ancients looked joyfully towards Jerusalem (1), but we look with certain hope to "the city that is to come" (Heb. 13:14). What might you need to sacrifice to develop a pilgrim's urgency for reaching the goal, in terms of working to see others move forward in their spiritual journeys?

God's people pray for peace and unity in the city of God (6-8). As God's "new" city people, what advantages do we have over these "old" covenant people, since Jesus became our peace, creating "in himself one new humanity" (Eph. 2:14,15)? What responsibilities does it give us, to one another and to non-believers?


Consider how you are investing in the growth of God's people. Ask God if there are ways he is calling you to do so.


Thank You, Lord, for my hope of reaching the city whose builder and maker is You.

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