Getting Started with Tithing

Whenever I talk about tithing, people get nervous and uncomfortable. One reason for our discomfort is that few things reveal the truth of our character the way our money does. But that’s another blog for another day.

I want to talk to those people who want to give something, but don’t know how. So, let’s talk about how to get started.

First, the basics—God owns everything. God made everything—therefore, He owns everything.

Second, our God is good, faithful and generous. Tithing is how we give thanks and praise for both of these realities.

We give the first fruits to God—celebrating the success He has granted us and second, declaring our confidence that God will meet all of our needs. Giving is a significant part of worship.

But how do you get there?

I grew up tithing. I learned about it with my very first allowance. If you didn't grow up with tithing, you just aren't able to see how you can pull 10% out of your cash flow and survive.

Don’t worry about how much or what percentage you’re giving.  Just start giving.

Get your budget out, go over expenses, talk it over as a family. How much will your faith let you give?

It can either be a set amount or a small percentage. It doesn't matter. Just start.

Remember, Jesus is a teacher, and a good teacher delights in having an eager student. Jesus wants to teach you about who He is and about how He works, and He wants you to learn.  While the subject may be tithing, you’ll learn a lot more in the process—such as the generosity of God, what matters and what doesn't, and how God’s blessings won’t be limited to things money can buy. After all, the most important things in life are things that money can’t buy.

Usually, tithing is the first lesson of faith.

How will you get to the second lesson of faith if you don’t ever learn the first lesson?

So, what are you waiting for? Get started. I don’t care how much. I don’t care how often.

If you’re sincere in your effort, Jesus will teach you how to give.

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