Get into a Routine of Prayer

In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there (Mark 1:35).

If you’ve never been consistent spending time in conversation with God, there’s no time like the present to start:

  1. Pick a regular place to pray. You may have a quiet spot in your home where you could meet with God each day, or perhaps it would work better to get to the office early and close the door. If you travel a lot, you may have more trouble finding a routine place. But what could be more private than a hotel room? Each person has a different place that feels right, but the important thing is to find one that works for you.
  2. Pick a plan. It’s good to set a routine so you can flow right into it and not have to reinvent the wheel each time. Perhaps you can start with a devotional reading that whets your spiritual appetite. Then read from the Bible, reflect on the words, and think about God.
  3. Finally, begin to pray. If you’re not sure what to say, look at Jesus’ model prayer, not to recite but to remind you what to include in your prayers. And then just listen for the voice and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

You can use different places and routines to develop a healthy prayer life. Find what works for you, and begin enjoying the blessing you will receive by being alone with God.

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