Fully Committed

“For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." (2 Chronicles 16:9)

In less than a day the year will be over and the New Year will begin. In our home, we have a practice of establishing resolutions and helping each other to stick with it.

I would like to recommend two resolutions for your consideration.

First, fully commit your entire heart to God. Commit to Him your goals, dreams, ambitions, money, time, talents, health, relationships, and whatever else may be between you and God. Hold nothing back.

Second, commit to read through the entire Bible with the goal to get to know the Author. There are few resolutions you could ever derive more benefit from than that one simple, daily practice.

Make your single purpose in life to glorify God.

Each new day represents an opportunity to crown Him with the position of supremacy in your life that He deserves.

May this be the year that you become completely faithful in complete commitment to our Faithful God.

Daily Scripture Reading:
Revelation 19 - 22


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