Entreating God for Unity in Marriage

Give ear to my prayer, O God. Psalm 55:1

God's provision for communion with Him through prayer says a lot about His character. He sought us and established this divine channel of prayer. He listens for our cry as a mother listens for her young.

He knows my voice and attends to my cries. Such is my God: a God of loving initiative who seeks me, a God of great sensitivity who listens for me, a God of intimacy who knows me, and a God of grace who attends to my needs.

God's plan for marriage is to bring together a husband and wife in order that they might become "one flesh"—spirit, soul, and body. Spiritual oneness through mutual prayer is a vital part of God's plan.

It's not surprising then that the world's order for marriage is exactly the opposite: "Let's be physically intimate, and then see if friendship develops. If later it seems important, we will explore our spiritual life." Many couples carry the pain of these misplaced priorities for decades, unaware that God has made provision to restore His priorities. Critical to this restoration process is tapping into the power and potential of prayer.

Prayer should play a vital part in the life of married believers. It's important to pray and entreat God's attention and favor for your spouse. Prayers of thanksgiving can draw a couple together in closeness. Prayers for the children help a couple be of one mind when it comes to rearing their kids. Requesting prayer as one spouse leaves for the office in the morning gives the couple the opportunity to be like-minded during the day.

God is willing to give ear to our prayers, both those said individually and those offered as a couple. We should make sure we take the time to enjoy this wonderful privilege.

At what times of the day and under what circumstances will you and your spouse share together in prayer?

Thanks, Lord, for the special privilege of sharing together in prayer.

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