Enemies in the Home

 ... so that there will not be among you a man or a woman, or family or tribe, whose heart turns away today from the Lord our God (Deuteronomy 29:18).

There are many enemies within the home seeking to destroy the family. Let me share a few:

Busyness: Everyone is overcommitted, mostly through work-aholism and “activity-itus.” With our over-scheduled children’s activities, this is true for our young ones as well.

Lack of spiritual and moral leadership by the father: Approximately 40 percent of all births in the United States are to single moms. Even in some families that have a dad, he’s often absent or practically nonexistent.

Negative influence of media and technology: Kids spend more time with the TV, computer, and video games than they do with their parents, and their influence can be overwhelmingly negative. Electronics are a poor substitute for family communication. And now Internet pornography is devastating marriages and perverting how some men and boys view women.

Parents, a vibrant relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the best way to battle the many enemies within the home.

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