
David's Real House


David was disappointed when he found out he wouldn't be building God's house. Will you keep your faith after personal disappointments?


Heavenly Father, today I have many choices to make. Help me choose wisely as I seek to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.


1 Chronicles 17:16-27


Consider: Recall a time when your dreams were not fulfilled. Later on, in retrospect, you realized that God was overruling your desires for his purposes and for your good.

Think Further:

Disappointment is part of life. Not everything we hope for comes to fruition. Sometimes it is just the small inconsequential expectations that are not fulfilled and it is easy to move on. Sometimes more significant hopes are dashed and life is changed forever--the serious health diagnosis, the failed examination or career, the unfulfilled desire for a marriage or a child. Even delays can be distressing at the time, but looking back we can often see that God was there with us, redirecting our steps to new possibilities.

David had just received a prophetic message that initially brought some potentially disappointing news: he would not be building God’s house. But any regret was soon forgotten as Nathan went on to reveal far more significant news: God would be building his house. David did not stop to interrogate Nathan, but withdrew to communicate his response directly to God. His prayer exhibits sincere humility and profound gratitude--and didn’t even mention the delayed building project! He spoke first of his personal amazement that someone from so lowly a family should be given such great honor. He knew he was part of a unique nation chosen and rescued by an incomparable God. He was overawed by what he had learned of his future reality: his family line would not only live on to be blessed into perpetuity; it would bring great glory to God forever. Such an affirmation gave David new courage to pray to his God and submit to his purposes.

Maybe we’d prefer that God always let us foresee positive futures alongside our disappointments! Then our patience and faith might not be so severely tested. Whatever our life outcomes, we too, in reality, are God’s chosen people (1 Pet. 2:9-10), called to live each day to God’s glory.


What does David’s prayer inspire you to pray for?


Lord, this is the prayer of my heart: “May God, who puts all things together, makes all things whole … put you together, provide you with everything you need to please him … All glory to Jesus forever” (Heb. 13:20-21, The Message).

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