
Families in Majengo village in northern Tanzania once depended on rain-fed subsistence farming, but times have changed.

For years they planted rice, maize and vegetables and depended on rainfall to make it grow. Often times they experienced low crop yields due to poor rainfall distribution and their own lack of knowledge on farming.

Theirs is a very dry land with extremely hot temperatures and is susceptible to drought. Unpredictable weather patterns meant they would often reap half a bag of maize or sometimes nothing from a piece of land. The harvested crops could not sustain them through the year.

World Vision helped them with a food security project, providing training for farmers on modern farming methods.

And now there’s clean, safe water close by, since World Vision brought piped water to the village for people, cattle, and crops.

Photo©2016 World Vision, Adda Amos Ngoya

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