Becoming a Patient Person

Acts 25:1-16

Paul demonstrated the power of patience when he was brought to trial before Festus. Instead of letting his accusers’ false claims interfere with his calm demeanor, the apostle patiently went through the legal process while remaining faithful to the Lord. He refrained from attacking the opposition or decrying the injustice of the charges. His peaceful manner found favor with the governor and earned him a hearing for the gospel (Acts 25:24-25).

Because our “flesh” is inclined towards impatience, we need to seek God during difficult situations. We can ask Him to take control over our...

Thoughts. It is important that we shift our attention away from the circumstance and onto the Lord. His Spirit will help us gain the right perspective.

Emotions. When the Holy Spirit oversees our feelings and reactions, we will find ourselves becoming calmer. Then He will empower us to respond in a godly manner.

Speech. Asking Him to help us have self-control over our tongue is essential. A timely word can defuse a situation; speaking defensively or shouting angrily at the other person can inflame it (Prov. 15:18).

The Holy Spirit will answer our prayers and provide what we need, just as He did for Paul.

Patience requires self-control and a desire to please God. Paul had need of both. Despite the injustice of those situations, Paul held his ground and was not provoked. Imagine what God will do through you as you grow in the virtue of patience.

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