Be a Light

"And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved," (Matthew 24:12-13).

You’re probably aware of the so-called type A and type B personalities. The type A’s are the more aggressive personalities and the type B’s are the more passive. Studies have been done on the effects of these personality types on our health, and it’s been shown type A’s have more issues with cardiovascular health than type B’s.

But one study I saw several years ago indicated that it’s not just a matter of the type A or B, but something even more specific that can be detrimentally more damaging to our health, and that’s how we deal with anger. People who are full of suspicion and resentment are prime candidates for all kinds of physical problems.

If this tells us anything, it’s that being loved and being able to show love are absolutely necessary for life! And the darker the days, the more love needs to break through as so much love has grown cold.

We live in a cynical and selfish generation… the “me” generation. But it’s in this generation that the Christian is to live a demonstrable, definitive love-life through Jesus Christ. Don’t let cynicism run your life. Let God’s love flow through you and endure these dark days to the end!

Endure these days of darkness and be a light by showing God's love to the world!

Congratulations Pastor Graham on your 20 years of Ministry!

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