At the End of Your Rope

Every person has a different story to tell, a different journey to travel, and a different challenge to overcome. No matter what your background, gender, education, employment or social status are, you are not exempted from the problems which beset mankind.

Jesus promised and guaranteed that in this world there would be troubles, trials, and tribulations, but take heart for He has overcome the world (cf. John 16:33).

This is an assurance that the ending of every person who accepts and follows Him is glorious in due time.

However, we are still in this world being plagued with insurmountable problems that push us to the limit of our abilities, potential, and faith.

For many, survival is the common response to problems left unsolved. For others, they conquer and overcome all kinds of adversaries and adversities that come their way. Against all odds, they triumph with the empowerment and enablement of God.

There will always be problems that will stretch our curtains of faith wide. Most of them are self-inflicted and can be avoided by seeking God in all honesty and humility and submitting to Him daily.

In James 4:7 (AMP): “So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.”

Other problems are beyond our control and we just have to trust God for our lives as these trials will cleanse, purge, mold, strengthen, and purify us like gold being refined under the fire to remove dross.

You may have heard how the same rock became either a diamond or charcoal depending on how it withstands and reacts to the pressure inflicted on it.

The sand becomes glass and the caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly after much process.

We may never understand everything that is happening to us no matter how hard we try, but we can simply surrender our lives to God, most especially when the going gets tough.

You may have felt the pain of losing a spouse —either out of divorce or death or infidelity. You may have been suffering from an incurable disease that leaves you hopeless and groping for life. You may have been facing tumultuous debts or bankruptcy or loss of a job. Your relationships may have gone sour or suffering from mudsling, slander, labels against you. A legal case or homelessness or extreme poverty or heartbreak and betrayal may have left you wounded.

God knows all about these. God knows you and your situation. He is able and powerful enough to hold the other end of the rope to catch you, hold you, and lift you up again.

Go to God now. He is just there, waiting for you to come to Him if you allow Him to help you and love you. Love Him back. 

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