A Strategy for Moral Purity

When you are tempted, remember:

Number one:

Resolve in your heart to honor the sacredness of your own marriage vows and the marriage vows of others.

Number two:

Remember that purity in marriage illustrates God’s covenant-keeping love.

Number three:

Rejoice in the mate that God has given you.

Number four: 

Rely on the grace of God and the power of His Spirit to meet needs that your mate cannot meet.

Number five:

Ask God to rekindle your love for your own mate.

Number six:

Run from potentially compromising situations.

Number seven:

Reject anything that could fuel impure desires.

Number eight:

Resist the temptation to isolate yourself.

Number nine:

Rehearse the consequences of sexual sin.

Number ten:

Rehearse the blessings of faithful, covenant-keeping love.

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