A Special Blessing for Those Living in Unity

This Psalm was one of many that would have sung on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Different tribes and regions would travel for the feasts in Jerusalem and their journey would bring them together as one.

Read Psalm 133.1-3

There is a certainty that the Lord gives special blessing to those who get along with each other, who live in harmony, who are able to exhibit real unity! The powerful spiritual dynamic of unity doesn’t mean uniformity- being united in Christ doesn’t mean everyone has to look the same, be the same, to fit into a rigid picture of being a ‘religious person’. Far from it! There is room in the Kingdom of God for people from all backgrounds and life experiences- at one and the same time the Kingdom of God is both unified and diverse!

The two pictures that David uses in this psalm to demonstrate the power of unity are firstly anointing oil lavishly poured out and overflowing a beard, and secondly the thick life-giving dew that could be found on the ground in the early morning.
Anointing oil-a special blend of spices and oil- symbolised forgiveness and blessing given to the people, whilst the dew on Mount Hermon helped make the land lush and fruitful, a very different picture to the harsh and dry terrain around Jerusalem.

These pictures remind us that God’s anointing – commissioning, equipping, empowering- can only really operate to the fullest when people are unified in vision, purpose and fellowship. Unity makes even the hardest and driest of circumstances fruitful and worthwhile.

No shared ministry, purpose, or fellowship is truly fruitful when there is disunity. Disunity undermines and corrodes the intimate relationship that we are called to with the Lord and with each other.

Although it might be easier to define the situations or attitudes that destroy unity, why not reflect now on steps you can positively take to remain in unity with your fellow believers- especially those who are close to you on your Christian journey.
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