A New Direction

If you had total control over your future, what kind of future would you choose for your life? It would seem we all would choose to have a future that is bright, hopeful, and full of good things. The truth is: none of us knows exactly what tomorrow holds and none of us is in complete control of what’s coming. Yet, we each have an extremely large influence upon where we are headed in life.

The Bible clearly says that we will reap what we sow (see 2 Corinthians 9:6 and Galatians 6:7). The seed we plant determines what will grow. In applying this to daily life, what we give out in life is what we get back. Where you are right now in life has been decided to a great degree by what you’ve sown in your past, the choices you’ve made. I know that’s sometimes a hard pill to swallow and something we’d like to ignore. But it really is true.

If your life isn’t what you want it to be, don’t feel bad about the choices you’ve made in the past or beat yourself up.  Simply decide to make different choices now and into the future. Someone once said, “You can’t change your life overnight but you can change your direction overnight.” You and I take a new direction by making new choices.

I encourage you today to make a new choice in an area of life you want to improve. It may be deciding to read the Bible daily to help your spiritual life, taking some time to exercise to improve your physical health, or putting some money in a savings account to save for your future. The thought may be, “None of those things will make a big change in my life.”  And that thought is correct. But a changed life begins with one decision to change in one area. It’s amazing how a commitment to one small decision can create momentum over time, leading to more small decisions, which can lead to bigger decisions, which can eventually lead to substantial change. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I hope today you’ll take a single step in the right direction!


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