A Bad Attitude

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5

Sometimes I (Teresa) only half listen to David when he tries to instruct me. My attitude is often that I know more than he does about a particular topic, so I mentally turn him off, nod my head, and let the words go in one ear and out the other. At other times I interrupt him in the middle of his sentence to correct him or tell  him my opinion on the matter. Or if we're in the  middle of a project that has its own instructions, I may pick them up to see if he's doing the project "right."

At times, I have hurt David with this know-it-all approach and driven a wedge between us. I have also hurt the Savior with my bad attitude. I know this is definitely not the mind of Christ.

The Savior's position was very different from mine because He definitely "knew it all." His attitude was also radically different from mine. Jesus didn't tune out the woman at the well when she asked Him about living water. He didn't interrupt Nicodemus when he asked Him about eternal life. Even though Christ knew all there was to know about these topics, He humbled Himself and lovingly responded to each situation.

I've learned that as I give up my know-it-all attitude and allow David to instruct me, he ends up asking questions to see what I already know. When he senses my teachable heart, he wants to give me respect and con­sideration. When I trust his judgment and allow him to give me feedback and input, he is more likely to offer assistance. It's my attitude that greatly affects our closeness.

In what specific areas can you really use your spouse's instruction, and what steps do you need to take to learn to accept that instruction?

Lord, develop in me an attitude that willingly receives instruction.

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