A Look At Apologetics



There are many people in the world who doubt the existence of God and openly challenge faith in Him. Therefore, it’s important for believers to understand how to defend their faith to those who would argue against it.

There are many people in this world who doubt the existence of God. There are also many who will openly attack a person’s belief in God and the Bible. Therefore, it’s important for believers to understand how to defend their faith to those who would argue against it. This is apologetics—the art of giving a defense for the Christian faith. This post will give you an introduction to the essential elements of apologetics.

"What is Christian Apologetics?" by GotQuestions.org

Answer: The English word “apology” comes from a Greek word which basically means “to give a defense.” Christian apologetics, then, is the science of giving a defense of the Christian faith. There are many skeptics who doubt the existence of God and/or attack belief in the God of the Bible. There are many critics who attack the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible. There are many false teachers who promote false doctrines and deny the key truths of the Christian faith. The mission of Christian apologetics is to combat these movements and instead promote the Christian God and Christian truth.

Probably the key verse for Christian apologetics is 1 Peter 3:15, “But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...” There is no excuse for a Christian to be completely unable to defend his or her faith. Every Christian should be able to give a reasonable presentation of his or her faith in Christ. No, not every Christian needs to be an expert in apologetics. Every Christian, though, should know what he believes, why he believes it, how to share it with others, and how to defend it against lies and attacks.

A second aspect of Christian apologetics that is often ignored is the second half of 1 Peter 3:15, “but do this with gentleness and respect...” Defending the Christian faith with apologetics should never involve being rude, angry, or disrespectful. While practicing Christian apologetics, we should strive to be strong in our defense and at the same time Christ-like in our presentation. If we win a debate but turn a person even further away from Christ by our attitude, we have lost the true purpose of Christian apologetics.

There are two primary methods of Christian apologetics. The first, commonly known as classical apologetics, involves sharing proofs and evidences that the Christian message is true. The second, commonly known as “presuppositional” apologetics, involves confronting the presuppositions (preconceived ideas, assumptions) behind anti-Christian positions. Proponents of the two methods of Christian apologetics often debate each other as to which method is most effective. It would seem to be far more productive to be using both methods, depending on the person and situation.

Christian apologetics is simply presenting a reasonable defense of the Christian faith and truth to those who disagree. Christian apologetics is a necessary aspect of the Christian life. We are all commanded to be ready and equipped to proclaim the gospel and defend our faith (Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Peter 3:15). That is the essence of Christian apologetics. 

2 Corinthians 10:5

Father, I want to learn how to stand up for my faith and stand up for You. Impress upon my heart the need to learn how to defend my faith, and show me the opportunities where I can.

Do I defend my faith to the public, or do I stand by quietly while others doubt or argue against God?

As you are learning about apologetics, start looking for the opportunities you have to defend your faith at work, in your social networks, at school, and in your neighborhood.

Apologetics is nothing more than presenting a reasonable defense of the Christian faith to those who disagree. You might run into people at school, work, in your neighborhood, or on social media who will want to argue the truth of Christianity. When that happens, it is a good thing to know how to defend what you believe. Because this topic can sometimes get heated, it’s also important to know how to make your case with a gentle tone and respect for the other person’s point of view. The next post will help you understand how to apply gentleness and respect to your defense.


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