Handling Conflict with Difficult People

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Everyone knows what it’s like to deal with difficult people. It might be hard to get along with someone at work, someone in your family, or maybe a friend.

Because we are all individuals with unique quirks, interests, and perceptions, there is bound to be conflict when we interact. Sometimes conflicts are big, and many times they are caused by different personalities. Sometimes people just clash. However, God wants us to be peacemakers and people who improve our relationships. He wants us to learn how to get along with the difficult people in our lives.

To that end, we have pulled together our most popular content on how to get along with each other and resolve conflicts. You can use these tips and tools to be constructive and resolve conflicts with the difficult relationships in your life.

01 01

Difficult People and Conflict Are a Part of Life

If relationships are normal, then conflict is inevitable!
02 02

Keeping Calm in a Conflict

When emotions are running high, it’s important to keep your cool.
03 03

Stay Off the Path of Revenge

When people are being unreasonable or difficult, it’s easy to want to get back at them in the same way they have dealt with you. This isn't biblical, however, so God offers a better way.
04 04

Follow the Path of Forgiveness

What do you do when someone hurts your feelings? Do you follow your emotions, hold a grudge, or withhold forgiveness?
05 05

Seek Godly Wisdom for Difficult Relationships

God wants us to seek His help in turning relationships that drag us down into ones that glorify Him.
06 06

The Importance of Second Chances

Giving second chances and offering forgiveness is the best way to free your soul from anger and bitterness.
07 07

Learning to Manage Conflicts and Difficult People

Conflict makes relationships messy and difficult, but God has given us tools to handle it so we can approach tough issues in constructive ways.


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