Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 6.
I Want To Be Her, Not Like Her
Try To Do What Is Good For Others
Lead With Love
Don't You Realize What You Have?
Your Talent Is Too Beautiful
The Heart of the Matter
Be Kind to Each Other
The Heart of the Matter

Switched Quote: “You need to love others as you love yourself. That is the heart of the matter.”

Switched Scripture: “The words of the godly are like sterling silver and the heart of a fool is worthless.” (Proverbs 10:10).

When God created humans He said they were very good. In fact he looked back on all of creation and declared that man and woman were the best of what He had made. Then bad choices were made and humanity fell. Their perfect world was turned upside down and people would need to work to provide for themselves and it would take effort to follow after God. The heart of humans and God was broken the day the world fell.

Words are so important. Proverbs encourages its reader that the words of the godly are like sterling silver. Words bring light, sparkle, and beauty to the world around them. But the words of a fool are worthless. The word foolish means to act unwisely or to lack sense. When we act and react quickly we often make foolish decisions and say unwise things. Posting on the internet is one of those times when it's easy to quickly spout off an unkind word or a callous thought. Part of Godly wisdom is to slow down, think before you type and take a moment to walk away before you hit “send” or “post.” 

This advice is not just for others but it is for yourself.  Sarah Evans says in Switched: “You need to love others as you love yourself.” When we truly value others as ourselves we take into consideration how we would want to be treated and that motivates our thoughts and actions. And we can only do that when we love and put God first. 

Switched Prayer: Dear Lord, fill my head with words that are honoring to me and you. Bring these words to my mind whenever I think negatively about myself. You love me, you made me and care for me. So, I must love myself as well. Please help me to understand how much you value me. Amen 

Cyber Champion: Pick a scripture in the Bible that helps you understand this message and post it on your social media page. Then invite others to comment below with their favorite verse that illustrates this kind of love.

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