Switched Quote: “Lead with Love”
Switched Scripture: “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.” (1 Corinthians 13:1-7).
How do you lead with love? Pause and reread today’s Switched Scripture three more times. Now take a big deep breath. What comes to your mind when you read this? When you think about this definition of love does it make you feel like you are receiving a big hug? That's what I feel. It makes me both feel embraced and challenged. This is what I want others to do for me.
Now, let's shift our perspective. If this is how I want to be treated, then I imagine others would like to be treated this way by me. It will take a lot of self control to do the things Paul instructs. Let's look at what he suggests.
First, don't be irritable. This means I need to have enough self awareness to recognize when I’m irritable and stop talking or acting. Then go and take care of myself so my irritability decreases. This could include getting a snack, taking a rest or going for a walk.
Next it says don’t keep a record of being wronged. What? But I want justice. I want the other person to be held accountable for hurting me. On one hand this is true -- it is important to take care of the wrong: address it, talk about it and then let it go. There is an old expression: “Don’t gunny sack it.” In other words release the wrong rather than throwing it into your backpack and dragging it around with you. The only thing carrying it around does, is exhaust you.
Finally don’t give up. There are more instructions on what love is in this scripture. Take some time to review them and plan to practice. Don’t give up, try, and then try it again.
Switched Prayer: Dear Lord, May I lead with love today. Lead me to love in everything I do and show love to everyone I encounter. May my words and actions come from a place of love, gentleness and kindness. Amen.
Cyber Champion: Find a picture that evokes the characteristics of love listed above and post it on social media today.