The Hack:
Clearing out what distracts us. It’s often called “margin” and we hear this term when talking about creating free space in our schedule for rest or breaths of fresh air.
So, for today’s Vibrant Life Hack lets focus in on screens. I’ll be so transparent, I’m extremely distracted by my little screen that I carry with me everywhere...even to the bathroom! But to take it further, I get lost in other screens like my computer and TV. I’ve seen these devices overcrowd my soul as they add voices and noise that reverberate in my mind, thus drowning out the voice of my good Father.
Here’s how I’ve overcome this overcrowding. Maybe this Vibrant Life Hack will speak to you, too? For me, there’s a crucial part of my day where I need to focus in and be present. This time is different for everyone. Maybe your time is first thing in the morning when you step into work to be intentional and offer yourself as a life-giving presence in your hectic work environment. Some of us might need more margin and quiet space in the evening because your sleep is not restful and you never quite turn your brain off at night. For me, I have this crucial segment of my day when my son gets off the bus and it’s time to focus in on homework or becoming that awesome mom who makes fantastic after school snacks for the sweaty gang of boys that descend upon my house. This time for me is after I’ve spent hours working and it’s difficult to fully remove one hat to put on my mom hat. Whatever your situation, will you join me in creating holy margin?
The Scripture:
Psalm 23 is one that we look toward in times of weariness or even fear. See if you can filter this passage through your need for margin and quiet space in your life.
The Posture:
Just some ideas to implement…
Sit quietly for 20 minutes to clear your head
Delete social apps off your phone for that crucial time period of your day
Stay Awhile with what you heard from the Lord in your Bible time that day.
Go to bed with your phone charging in another room, not by your bed
Wake up and actively say the name Jesus before your feet hit the floor
You are worthy to hear God’s voice. He cares to speak to you, to give wisdom, mercy, peace. Will you hear Him when He speaks peace over you?