“Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.” 1 Peter 4:12 NLT
Now that we’ve embarked on this journey together, I have one disclaimer: your journey forward may not be easy. It may be very, very hard. Trials will come. Your faith will be tested. One foot out the door and your coffee spills or the car won’t start. Or worse yet, a loved one gets a bad diagnosis, your workplace starts laying off employees, or your child is bullied at school.
Life can be challenging. As you determine to move forward into the fullness of God’s purpose, it can feel like the enemy is waging an all-out war against you—anything to push you back and slow you down in this journey.
But I’m here to tell you that help is on the way. Can you believe that? Can you stir hope and faith and lift your eyes to where your help comes from? In the midst of life’s challenges, it’s important to consider what you believe...
Either God heals the brokenhearted—or he doesn’t.
Either he saves to the uttermost—or he doesn’t.
Either he sets the captive free—or he doesn’t.
Either he watches over his word to fulfill it in the earth—or he doesn’t.
What do you believe?
The enemy of your soul is hard at work in the earth and there is a very real battle waging in the heavenlies over your faith and loyalty. It’s important to decide now how you will approach life.
When life seems to be crumbling around you, will you stand in faith, trusting God to keep his word and his promises? Or will you allow yourself to wallow in doubt and despair, wavering in every difficult situation—always questioning God’s word and never fully believing?
The Bible tells us that God’s word will not return void. In other words, it will accomplish what he has sent it forth to do: saving, healing, blessing, guiding. Don’t let your current circumstances or what you see in front of you prevent you from trusting the Lord and his promises. Help is on the way. Keep moving forward in faith.
Pray: “God, I believe your word. I ask for your help to press through every challenge and gain the victory you have for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Seek: What is your biggest challenge today? What is God’s word concerning it? Seek out a promise from the Bible for your situation, then pray for his help and believe.
Speak: God is my savior. He is my healer and my deliverer in every situation.
Go further: 1 Peter 4:7–10, Psalm 147:3, Luke 4:18, Isaiah 55:11, Ephesians 6:10–18