Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 5.
Expectation vs. Anticipation
Seek His Face

“…if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Repentance is a beautiful thing. Some find the word old school or too churchy to wrap their mind around. This is because too many preachers have associated this spiritual discipline of repentance with fire and brimstone. But in reality, the call from Jesus Himself in the Gospels to repent is yet another divine invitation into the fullness of God and His perfect love and will for His children.

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2)

Our Revival Ready Scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14 is a call to turn from our wicked ways. Pretty harsh language that almost even reminds me of fire and brimstone as well. That is until I reframe the concept. My actions and thoughts in light of God’s glory and holiness fall short. Way short. Without the cross of Christ, without His blood shed, without His victory over death, my sickness of sin is, in fact, wicked. 

But, you and I are not called to stay there and wallow in shame and sorrow for our sin. As followers of Jesus, we are called in His righteousness and empowered by His Spirit to live, really live, in God’s love.

We remember in John 4 the account of Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well, a sinner just like you and me. When others shamed and shunned her, Jesus met the talk of her sin with His living water of life and love.

The woman let Jesus call out her sin yet do we see what Jesus offers instead? A life in which she worships the One True God. For in this lifestyle of worship in spirit and in truth, the Spirit of the Living God covers her. Guilt and shame are not her story. To live as a vessel of His power and love…that would be her story. And repentance was the first page in the new chapter of her life.

We see the woman left the well to go and tell about this man who called out her sin and offered the better Way. Through this confession of her sin and the proclamation of Jesus, many then believed and turned to Him. A ripple effect happens when we dip into the deep well of living water.

God’s best is this living water…Jesus. It’s not about rules to follow or boxes to check off before you are good enough. God’s best is found when we turn away from anything that tells us God is not enough, that He is holding out on us. 

Because isn’t that why we indulge in what leads to the sickness of sin? At the moment of feeling depleted and in distrusting God’s goodness, we step into the trap and illusions of sin. And in that trap we deny God’s perfect love by picking up what we only think will fill our emptiness.

To repent: turn away from what is not God’s best and to turn toward and fall into His loving arms as Father. Healing, restoration, mercy, joy, peace, love, forgiveness. This is God’s best is found in the awakening of God’s wonder and His victory over the sin which brings death. 

Get real and confess.

Go low in your need for a savior.

Turn from death and darkness.

Turn toward God’s best. Let Him speak life and light over you.

Awaken to the wonder of His glory.

Live full in His Spirit of power and love.

Dip from the deep well of the living water.

Prayer Points:

~Father, I come before You knowing Your love, but knowing Your holiness, too. I confess…

~Show me, Lord, how to turn from my sin and turn toward You…

~Remind me, Lord: What is Your best?…

~I need You, Jesus. Thank You for the cross. Thank You for Your body broken and beaten for my sickness of sin…

~Show me new depths of your victory over death. You rose and I praise You…

PublisherLive it Out!
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