There’s a level of expectation allowed in revival readiness. The Scripture in 2 Chronicles 7 says that if those who are “called by my name…then I will…” Because we know who God is and that He keeps His promises, we can expect God to make good on His if/then interaction with the people called by His name. Expectation. Yes. We can expect that God will, in fact, hear our pleas and prayers.
Anticipation, however, leaves room for how God will answer the prayer.
With open hands of anticipation, we take what is expected in Scripture and hold it with open hands. Scripture says God will do immeasurably more (Ephesians 3:20). It is up to me to refrain from drawing boundary lines or putting God in a box. My human understanding and limits tempt me to dream only so far in expectation. But, by partnering with the Kingdom, I get to await in anticipation of how God will bring about revival. The passage in Ephesians reminds us that God’s goodness, love, mercy, power are more than we can fathom. His wisdom brings about outcomes where our humanity falls short. But! The Holy Spirit fills in the gap in overflow. Our faith in God’s majesty and grandeur places us in prime position for heavenly anticipation as we await this move of God.
Helpless and hopeless we are not.
It is tempting to sit in disappointment when our timeline doesn’t match up with God’s. That is where disciplined prayer and worship come in. To be reminded of God’s glory, His love, His care of us is to keep worshipping when movement isn’t evident.
Revival: an awakening, a renewed awareness of the holiness, glory, power, love of God.
In that awakening we find a place for confession and repentance (the turning away from our sin and turning toward God’s best). Throughout history we see revival prayed for over cities and towns where the glory and presence of God falls like a blanket over the people. Revival has been likened to a fire that spreads over regions and nations because those faithful people yearned and hungered for God Himself…not just what He could do for them…but God HIMSELF.
Revival only happens because of the Gospel. Because Jesus died on the cross and restored our access to fellowship with God the Father, because our sins are paid for, because Jesus conquered death, we can come into the very presence of God—the Creator of the Universe and the ONE who loves us dearly.
“So let us step boldly to the throne of grace, where we can find mercy and grace to help when we need it most.” (Hebrews 4:16)
The Gospel truth should awaken our hunger for God’s presence. Now is not the time to sit on the couch of complacent faith, apathy, helplessness, and hopelessness. Rather, when we disallow the Gospel to become route and routine -- when we actively work against taking it for granted -- a switch flips in our soul to enlighten us to a bigger Kingdom vision. This is an awakening to God’s power, love, and mercy. It ushers in freedom because of Jesus.
Freedom from sin and freedom in the fullness of God.
But we can’t stop there.
That awakening and renewed state of worship is glorious and powerful. We hear accounts in history of people convening for hours and days in prayer and worship because the presence of God fell and covered their midst. I believe that revival in our time looks like the awakening to God’s wonder and then a spurring forth to bring His presence and power into schools, offices, gyms, playgrounds, grocery stores. Wherever there are those with eyes to see and hearts humbled to worship Him as Lord, the Holy Spirit will move like a fire.
This fire brings boldness to share/speak Gospel truth and to love others like Jesus commanded us to do. This fire also brings creativity to live from a place of redemption and restoration -- bringing us back to the Creator’s original design for humanity before sin changed things. That was the end goal. The death and resurrection of Jesus restores us back to what once was when Adam and Eve walked in the cool of the garden in peace and a pure confidence of God’s love.
Peace, shalom, and confidence in God’s love. Does this sit sweet on your soul?
Prayer Points:
~Lord, show me how to unclench my grip on what I expect of You in this season…
~Lord, give me heavenly anticipation of how Your presence will change everything…
~Awaken me to fresh wonder of Your power and love…