"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children. Talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up."
- Deuteronomy 6:6-7 -
What is family time? It is a time where families are together talking, working on homework, relaxing, or being entertained. It’s a time they enjoy being together. Family time can be the hardest of all areas to hold the line in parenting. It is hard to carve out family time because of all the demands we have on our time. There are so many activities, clubs, work, errands to run, sports, that demand our time.
Think of family time like the childhood game Tag. Remember Home Base where you were safe and it gave you time to catch your breath, get a new game plan, then head out again for the chase? Everyone needed time on Home Base to re-group. It is the same with our family. Family time is where you catch your breath and gather a new game plan for life. It is where you are safe. Family time is where you are loved, accepted and challenged. It is where you become a better person.
This generation of children needs a place to catch their breath from the fast pace of life. They need a place where no one can attack them and they feel secure. Your family should be that safe haven. Home Base offers a place to get a game plan for studying, exercising, dating, and simply relaxing. Your family is where your child knows they are loved and accepted and it doesn’t matter how many “likes” they have on their latest social media post.
Here are some tips for creating such a safe haven: