Average time per day for this plan: 7 Minutes
You are working on lesson 3.
True Definition
True Purpose
True Impact
An Alternative Model
True Impact

Bowling has become sophisticated today. You can buy fancy bowling pants, bowling shoes, a bowling shirt, a bowling glove and a custom bowling ball. You can hold the ball right below your chin and stare down the lane. Then, you can take three steps, wind the ball back, twist the wrist, kick back the leg and unload the ball down the lane.

You can look really good as a bowler. However, if your ball lands in the gutter, then you’re nothing more than a good-looking failure. No matter how good you look, if the pins are still standing, then you’ve failed as a bowler. Success is only measured by how many pins you’ve knocked down. It’s measured through impact. 

A church can be known for its buildings, property and programs. It can look great on the outside. But if a church isn’t advancing God’s kingdom, spreading the gospel, making disciples and serving the needs of the community, then it’s nothing more than a good-looking failure. The only way to properly measure a church is through its impact.

If the church is ever going to make an impact on society, we must realize that we are a part of an established kingdom where God makes the rules. One of His rules for the church is that we are unified across racial, economical, cultural and political lines. Only when the church embraces diversity will we be the haven God designed us to be. Only then will the church impact a world of lost people for the kingdom of God.

What are some practical ways a church can impact its community?

Scripture Readings:

- Matthew 5:13-16

- Galatians 3:28

- Jeremiah 29:7

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