Marriage is designed to be the closest possible relationship of increasing intimacy and growing interdependence. But this is not automatic; we have to keep working at our marriage to stay connected.
Adapted from The Marriage Course by Nicky and Sila Lee, this 7-day plan aims to introduce you to tools to build a healthy marriage and strengthen your connection -- or to restore your connection if you feel you’ve lost it.
Making time for the people that matter most in our lives doesn’t just happen; it requires a conscious decision.
Listening has great power to make our husband or wife feel loved and valued.
When we look to God to meet our needs for unconditional love, we are able to focus more easily on each other’s needs.
Confessing our faults to God and receiving his forgiveness helps us to see how our actions have hurt our partner.
Listen to parental advice, but make your own decisions together as a couple.
Sex is about giving -- showing support in practical ways and taking time to tune in to each other’s emotional needs.
Love is not just a feeling -- it requires an act of the will to meet each other’s needs. We are called to imitate the love of Jesus.