When you decide to start working on achieving the goals that you’ve so prayerfully set, the devil will likely try to throw you off track. You might hit obstacles or find that you are putting off doing the work to reach your goals. These are some of the ways the devil keeps you distracted. If procrastination is a problem for you, then it’s time to admit the problem and acknowledge where you lose track. This post will help you identify any feelings of doubt and repent from the procrastination that keeps you from reaching your goals.
"Letting Go of Our Procrastinating Ways" by Dr. Charles Stanley
ACTS 24:24-27
Jesus offers us freedom from procrastination. Don’t put off accepting it!
We like to think that our delay tactics are no big deal. After all, we tell ourselves, no one is really getting hurt by the things we put off. Over time, however, our choices to postpone action can develop into a lifelong pattern of procrastination. In today’s reading, the ruler Felix delayed making a decision about Christ and eventually turned away completely.
To get on track, we must change our attitude about procrastination, admitting it is a serious problem and noticing where we consistently put off action. It’s important to identify any feelings of doubt and discomfort that we may have, confess that procrastination has a hold in our life, and then decide in our heart to turn away from it. Tell God, “I want to live by Your schedule and please You by my obedience.”
Repentance should be joined by a commitment to actively embrace new ways of decisive living. Use God’s Word to fight against feelings of doubt and discomfort whenever they arise. Who we are in Christ and who He is to us are the truths needed to overcome bad habits. The Bible says that we are new creations, indwelt by God’s Holy Spirit, and we are no longer slaves to sin (Gal. 5:1). Jesus, our Savior, is also our Lord. He provides all we need through His resurrection power (2 Pet. 1:3). His grace turns our weakness into strength (2 Cor. 12:9). Victory is ours through Him (Rom. 8:37).
When we order our life on the basis of Scripture, we will live by faith rather than feelings. Jesus offers to set us free from the bondage of procrastination. Don’t put off accepting His invitation!
2 Chronicles 15:7
Lord, I confess that sometimes I just get in my own way, or I get lazy and give up. But not anymore—I don’t want to procrastinate or put things off. Instead, I want to live by Your schedule and please You by my obedience.
Am I putting off the things I know I should do to achieve my goals?
Repent from your procrastination. Instead, trust that God has given you what you need to achieve them.
Don’t let procrastination derail you! If you’ve prayerfully set your goals, God will empower you to achieve them. When your goals seem too big, or the work seems too overwhelming, maybe it’s time to take a step back. Look at your goals and action steps, and break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. The next post will show you how to do this.